YOGYAKARTA For a healthy and prosperous life, it is built from a supportive daily habit. This habit can be a simple routine. But because it is carried out continuously, large positive changes will follow. As knowledge, the following Japanese habits below should be imitated.

Japanese people like to clean up, or rather, it has become a habit. This is because they hold a concept that respects the purity and cleanliness of Shintoism. So from an early age, Japanese people were taught the importance of maintaining cleanliness. Not just a routine task, but to become an integral part of their daily lifestyle. For this reason, it should be imitated to keep the environment clean around us clean so that we stay clean and hygienic.

Apart from being carried out regularly by Japanese people, the benefits of cleanliness are also proven in research. Hygiene psychologically minimizes stress and increases focus. Besides also reducing allergens that help maintain health, prevent disease spread, it also helps mental clarity and physical acts to clean the house improve heart health.

The habit of getting up early was recorded in the notes of an English teacher who taught in Japan, Lafcadio Hearn, in the 1900s. Japanese people wake up every day and plow up' the sun. The habit of relaxing morning activities, such as morning walks, meeting neighbors, or other activities, will enjoy the sun and form a healthy body natural clock. Research highlights that the habit of getting up in the morning reconciles the rhythm of circadian. The benefits for health include getting better quality sleep, increasing productivity, reducing stress, and eating habits.

In Japan, there are more than 3,000 hot springs. General bathing is common in cities, and almost every house has a bathtub. Japanese people appreciate their bath time. According to research reported by YourTango, Monday, June 3, bathing regularly improves heart health and reduces stress.

Warm baths, according to research, help the muscles relax. The water pressure in the bathtub also helps increase metabolism and remove toxins in the body. In addition, bathing in the bath allows the body to float, so that the pressure on the bones and muscles is reduced. This helps relieve back pain and stiff shoulders.

It has been known in general, that regular exercise is great in health. Many Japanese people exercise daily with the type of calisthonics which is the composition of stretching movements and is carried out following songs. Research has shown that light exercise every day can have a significant impact on longevity and mental health. It seems that this is one of the reasons why Japan is considered a country with a long life of life when viewed from abroad.

Japanese food is considered healthy because it offers a good nutritional balance. Japanese food was also recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 2013. As we know, Japanese food in one dish contains three main components, namely carbohydrates, more protein, and vegetables.

The processing is also considered, such as boiled, fermented vegetables, and served in various and colorful ways. Eat healthy foods, both for heart health, weight management, digestive health, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Matcha is a fine powder from brewed green tea leaves. According to the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, the intake of matcha correlates with the low risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome. The reason why Matcha is healthy is that it contains nutrients. It is a source rich in minerals such as calcium and food fiber, and is full of antioxidants, including katechin. In addition, since matcha is ground from intact tea leaves, it offers nutrients several times compared to regular tea. Matcha is most suitable to drink every morning to help relax but performance increases.

Research confirms that it routinely consumes natural environments, such as hiking or just walking in the green landscape, improves physical health and reduces stress. Many Japanese people take the time to climb mountains. This contributes to their health. When walking in nature, of course, strengthens the legs, body, increases cardiovascular strength, increases mood, bone density, and increases vitamin D levels.

That's a daily habit that helps improve health and is done by many Japanese people. These habits, you may have done. But are there any of your habits that need to be improved to improve health and quality of life?

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