JAKARTA - The day after announcing the third film Knives Out, several big names have reportedly joined this production. Josh OConnor and Cailee Spaeny will reportedly compete acting with Daniel Craig in the film Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out Mystery.

In addition, Lindsay Lohan and Tom Hardy are also the latest names to say following the two. But they haven't confirmed this yet.

Wake Up Dead Man is the third film from the Knives Out franchise. The film is still being directed and written by Rian Johnson for Netflix.

The plot is unknown but so far only Daniel Craig has been confirmed. This film is a form of Johnson's collaboration with Netflix for two Knives Out films after their first film hit theaters.

Wake Up Dead Man is also rumored to be starting production next month for release in 2025.

Josh O'Connor is one of the young actors who is getting attention. This year he starred in Challengers and La totaling. He will also play through the film The History of Sound.

Cailee Spaeny also received attention thanks to his acting in the film Priscilla. He recently acted in the film Civil War and will star in the film Alien: Romulus.

"We're going to start production on the 3rd film, and I'm really, really excited to share the title, which gives a little hint of where it's going," said Rian Johnson.

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