JAKARTA - Celebrity Irish Bella admits that she is now enjoying her life after her divorce from Ammar Zoni. This can be seen with the busy schedule of Irish in doing business and work.

Even though he admitted that he was tired, the mother of two children could only be grateful for the busyness he was experiencing. For him, life after divorce is a moment to organize himself.

"Alhamdulillah, I am really grateful that now it is in line with his life," said Irish Bella in the Senayan area, Central Jakarta, Sunday, May 19.

Furthermore, Irish said that now he now has more time with his children and runs a business.

"So now there is time for children, there is time to do business and there is time to work, there is time for me to go for a walk," continued Irish Bella.

This 28-year-old woman feels that the division of time after the divorce can be better regulated by her.

"It's more like now, it feels like sharing the time, that's right for the kids," he said.

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