West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Head, AKBP Indrawienny Panjiyoga has named celebrity Rio Reifan as a suspect in a drug abuse case.

This was conveyed by Indrawienny Panjiyoga after Rio conducted a medical test at Sie Medicine and Health of Dokkes eyebrows at the West Jakarta Metro Police.

"Both today, Brother RR (Rio Reifan) has been named a suspect in connection with the crime of narcotics abuse," said AKBP Indrawienny Panjiyoga at the West Jakarta Metro Police, Monday, April 29.

"So after we have determined him as a suspect, we will conduct a health check on him," he continued.

Furthermore, Indrawienny said that since his arrest until now, Rio still insists that the reason he used drugs was a mistake.

"He always says he made a mistake. Every narcotics suspect we secure always says that," continued Indrawienny Panjiyoga.

It is known that this drug abuse case is Rio's fifth case. Even so, Indrawienny said that Rio regretted his behavior.

"He always said he made a mistake, 'I'm sorry'," he concluded.

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