YOGYAKARTA - Regular menstrual cycle or menstruation is an indicator of reproductive health in women. However, some women experience irregular menstruation due to various factors, one of which is due to stress. So, what are the characteristics of menstruation late due to stress? Let's discuss it!

Stress itself has an important role in disrupting the hormonal balance process that affects the menstrual cycle. Why is that? Let's see the reason.

Why Can Stress Cause Late Haid?

Normally, the menstrual cycle or menstruation of women is approximately 21'35 days. However, on average, women have a menstrual cycle of 28 days. A woman is said to be late in menstruation if the menstrual cycle is more than 35 days.

Some women may experience an irregular menstrual cycle or menstruation late. Not only pregnancy, one of the most common triggers for menstruation is mental stress. The reason is that stress can cause hormone-hormon metabolism throughout the body to become chaotic, including hormones that affect menstrual cycles.

The menstrual cycle is regulated by the interior of the brain, which is called hypotalamus and the pituitary gland. Normally, hypotalamus will free up the hormone release of gonadotropin (GnRH) which triggers the pituitary gland to release follic cumulating hormones (FSH) and luteinizing hormones (LH).

These two hormones are tasked with protecting so that the menstrual cycle can always run normally. After that, the pituitary gland will also urge the ovaries to release the hormone estrogen and progesteron.

If the body is in a state of stress, the body will release the hormone cortisol. When the hormone cortisol is related to the hypotalamus or ovarian, the release of hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle will also experience obstacles.

Shrinking the hormone estrogen and progesteron can delay the formation of menstruation. Moreover, when the stress of the mind gets worse, women are at risk of experiencing secondary amenore. Secondary amendments are a state when women initially had a normal menstrual cycle, after which they did not experience menstruation for 3 months or more in sequence.

Usually, a reasonable menstrual cycle is 24-38 days. However, menstrual cycles are different for each woman. For women who experience an irregular menstrual cycle, the menstrual period can last longer, shorter, or not at all.

menstrual disorders caused by mental stress can be associated with several characteristics, such as:

menstruallates caused by mental stress can also lead to some indications, such as:

Not only caused by mental pressure, there are several other aspects that cause menstruation You are late, such as:

How To Overcome Haid Is Late Due To Stress

menstruallates because stress can be overcome by managing stress well. You can reduce it by using several methods that are easy to try to restore the menstrual cycle to a reasonable return.

If the perceived stress of the mind has reached a chronic level, you need a dialogue or conducting consultations with a psychologist or psychiatrist. Later, psychologists or psiliaters can help you understand stress triggers.

In addition, you must also know the 'Merstructing Issues in Youth' so that you can immediately handle them.

So after knowing the late characteristics of menstruation due to stress, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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