JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party, Adies Kadir, hopes that the abolition of the presidential threshold rule will not cause chaos in the Indonesian political system.

"Hopefully this decision will provide fresh air to the political democratic system in our country, not in the future create new chaoticities," said Adies as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, January 3.

According to Adies, he and the ranks of the Golkar party were quite surprised by the Constitutional Court's decision to grant the lawsuit for the abolition of the presidential threshold.

The reason is, the law has been sued dozens of times, but to no avail. However, the lawsuit was finally won by the Constitutional Court in early 2025.

"This is a surprising gift in early 2025," he said.

However, Adies ensured that all Golkar respected the Constitutional Court's decision. Golkar will also carry out the Constitutional Court's decision like a citizen who is subject to the constitution.

Previously, the Constitutional Court decided to abolish the provisions of the minimum threshold for the percentage of proposing pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates (presidential thresholds) in Article 222 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections because it contradicts the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

"Granted the petitioners' petition in its entirety," said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) Suhartoyo when reading the verdict Number 62/PUU-XXII/2024 in the Plenary Court Session Room, Jakarta, Thursday (2/12).

The deleted article contains the conditions for nominating pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates who must be supported by political parties or coalitions of political parties that have 20 percent of seats in the DPR or get 25 percent of the national valid votes in the previous legislative elections (pileg).

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