JAKARTA - Nayla Purnama became the main character in Vina: Before 7 Days. This film, which was brought up from real events, became a challenge for Nayla as Vina's actor.

"I myself already know about Vina's case because it has gone viral in 2016. She feels happy, nervous," said Nayla Purnama to VOI.

"So one of the challenges is because the story is viral, so many viewers expect stunning results but during the process it is fun," he continued.

It was not difficult for Nayla to play Vina because the story came from a real incident. Gisellma Firmansyah also has a similar opinion.

"Because this film is based on true stories other than cast, so the people around it are closer to the story. For me personally to get a easier feeling," said Nayla.

"It is certainly an honorable feeling to be chosen based on real life and challenged because we are not only holding it in fiction but real. This film brings mixed processes from pre-production to production," said Gisellma.

Nayla explained that one of the processes he carried out was to talk to Vina's family about this case. He regretted that until now there are still perpetrators who have not been arrested.

From the beginning talking to the family of the deceased, one of Vina's biggest forms of research, and they are the closest people. From the start, I asked Ms. Marli (A relative of Vina) why did she agree (the case was made a film)," said Nayla.

"His enthusiasm to arrest the perpetrators is that some have not been arrested, so why should this film be worked on and I think it can help. From 2016 to now 2024 there are still perpetrators who have not been arrested. This film also has many lessons for children my age," he said again.

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