The Priority Of The Last 10 Nights Of Ramadan Who Say It's A Shame If It's Missed
The Priority Of The Last 10 Nights Of Ramadan (Freepik Image)

YOGYAKARTA - The priority of the last 10 nights of Ramadan for some Muslims is the last moment where there are feelings and concerns. This is because in the last 10 days of Ramadan there was a Lailatul Qadar night, and the concern is, can we still meet the month of Ramadan in the following year?

Therefore, in the last 10 days of Ramadan, many people have used it by worship more solemnly and better. Many of them carried out itikaf in the mosque throughout the last 10 days of Ramadan, in accordance with a hadith narrated by Aisyah radhiyallahu anha, Rasulullah is very serious about worshiping in the last 10 days (the month of Ramadan), exceeding the sincerity of worship in addition to (the night). (HR. Muslim).

From this hadith, it appears that the virtue of the spirit of worship of the Prophet SAW in the last 10 days of Ramadan. Moreover, the figure of the Prophet SAW who is very guaranteed to enter heaven by Allah SWT, is even more diligent in worshiping to achieve His pleasure. One of the many virtues of the last 10 days of Ramadan is the evening of Lailatul Qadar, a noble night and has a value of more than 1000 months. In his hadith, Rasulullah SAW said:

Look for Lailatul Qadar in the last ten nights of Ramadan, on the remaining nine nights, the remaining seven nights, the remaining five nights, (HR. Bukhari).

Therefore, Muslims are highly recommended to worship, especially night worship in the last 10 days of Ramadan. Not only is it 1,000 months of night, some of the priority of the last 10 nights of Ramadan will increase its privilege. Among other things:

1. Better Night Than A Thousand Months

This means that when doing charity on the night of Lailatul Qadar, the value is better than a thousand months. If you do good deeds, it will be counted as doing good for a thousand months. In QS Al-Qadr verse 2-3 Allah SWT says: 'And do you understand what a night of glory is? The night of glory is better than a thousand months.'

2. The night of the descent of the Qur'an

In QS Al-Baqarah verse 185, Allah SWT tells me 'Month of Ramadan is a (month) in which the Qur'an is revealed, as a guide for humans as well as explanations of the instructions and the differentiator (between the truth and the batile one). Therefore, whoever of you is in that month, to fast...'

3. Welfare Night

Allah SWT obeys me in QS. Al-Qadar verse 5 which reads, That night (full) welfare until dawn. Lailatur qadar is a very beautiful night for Muslims. That night, Muslims are not only covered with blessings but also welfare.

4. Blessing Night

Diucap as the night full of blessings because at the time of Lailatul Qadar, the angels were greeted by Allah SWT to come down to earth and distribute blessings and blessings to humans who worship seriously that night.

We actually lowered it on something night that was blessed and it was actually We who gave the warning. On that night, everything that is full of wisdom was explained, (namely) a big matter from our side. In fact, we are the ones who sent the companions. (QS. AlDukhan: 3-5).

5. Angels Down to Earth

That night the angel and the angel Jibril came down with God's permission to control all affairs. (QS. Al-Qadar verse 4). On the night of Lailatul Qadar, the angel Jibril and his other angel came down to earth with grace, blessings, and prosperity. Therefore, let's read more prayers at odd nights in the last 10 days of Ramadan. Really, how lucky it is for the person who got blessings that night.

6. Full Night Of Mercy

As conveyed by Abu Hurairah, from the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he said, 'Whoever performs prayers on the night of Lailatul Qadr on the push of faith and hopes for a reply (from Allah), his past sins will be forgiven.' (H. R Al Bukhari, An Nasai, and Ahmad).

A person who repents and prays, then sins in the future will be forgiven by Allah SWT. Because on that night Allah SWT opened the door to forgiveness broadly.

7. Good Night

Rasulullah salallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, 'Actually this month of Ramadan has approached you. And inside is a better night than a thousand months. Whoever is hindered from meeting him, then really he has been hindered from all goodness. And is not hindered from meeting him except for the people who lose.' (HR Ibnu Majah).

From this hadith, the Prophet SAW showed how meaningful it was the night of Lailatul Qadar. Because on that night all goodness was intended for people who were serious in worship. On the other hand, those who ignored the night became the people who lost because they did not get anything.

8. Heaven's Door Opened

"It has arrived to you Ramadhan, the blessed month, Allah Ta' is obligatory for you to fast on him, open to him the doors of heaven, close the doors of the hell of Jaim, and bless the disobedient demons. In that month, Allah had one better night than a thousand months (one worships during that time). Whoever is hindered from his kindness, surely he is a man who is hindered (from all good) (HR. An-Nasai).

In the month of Ramadan, including on the night of Lailatul Qadar Allah SWT will open the doors of heaven and the angels will also descend on earth.

9. Double-folded Pahala

From Abu Hurairah, Rasulullah salallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, 'Every good practice performed by man will be multiplied by ten goods that are like seven hundred times over. Allah Ta'ala malu (which means), 'Except fasting deeds. The fasting practice is for Me. I myself will reply. Because he has left lust and food because of Me. For those who fast will get two happiness, namely happiness when he opens and happiness when he meets his Rabb. Indeed the smell of the mouth of the fasting person is more fragrant in the sight of Allah than the smell of cassati oil.' (HR. Bukhar-Muslim).

The hadith stated that all the practices carried out in the month of Ramadan would be doubled, especially up to 7 hundred times. Be it sunnah prayer, reading the Koran and other acts of kindness. Except for fasting which will be answered by Allah SWT.

10. Hell's Door Closed

Another privilege of the month of Ramadan which includes the night of Lailatul Qadar is the closing of the door of hell. That night was only filled with kindness. Muslims who carry out sincere worship because Allah SWT will be persuaded and filled with blessings.

In addition, you must also know some 'Amlan and Reading Prayers when delivering Lailatul Qadar' so you don't lose money later.

So after knowing the virtues of the last 10 nights of Ramadan, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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