How To Calculat The Academic Value Of The Police, Understand Before Participating In The Selection Of Police Members
Illustration of how to calculate the academic value of the Police (freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - Many young people want to pursue a career as a police officer. Not only holding a police profession, but also because they want to serve the nation and state. But behind that, the selection to enter the police is not easy. To be able to join the Police, participants must undergo various tests.

Not a few participants failed to enter the police, but many also managed to wear the Police uniform. The selection stage for police officers is carried out with a knockout system. The participants had to take part in the selection until they passed to be appointed as members of the National Police. One of the processes that need to be prepared as best as possible is the academic test.

The National Police's academic potential (TPA) test is an important step in the selection of Polri members. This stage is often a scourge for participants because it is not easy to pass. For those of you who plan to take part in the Police selection, it is mandatory to know how to calculate the academic value of the Police.

Based on the Police TNI Test Success Chapter Book (2020:93), the process of accepting Polri members is carried out with the principles of BETAH (Clean, Transparent, Accountable, and Humanist). The entire selection stage is open, where all participants can see for themselves the results in each recruitment process.

In addition to preparing physical files and requirements, Polri test participants will also face academic tests. To be able to become a member of the police, participants must pass the Police academic test (TPA). In the National Police TPA, participants are asked to take various exam materials such as Indonesian, Mathematic, and General Knowledge (Local Benefits).

The stages of accepting police candidates are quite long. Each selection process has its own size or value as a determining limit for participants to pass or fall. Included in the stages of the academic potential test, there are separate provisions and assessments.

Given that there are many problems in the National Police TPA, participants certainly need to study before undergoing the exam. In addition, participants must also understand the provisions in the test so that they can manage strategies in answering questions. The following is the Police academic test assessment system that you must know.

Participants can manually calculate academic tests with the following steps:

In addition to using the manual method as above, you can also calculate the Police academic value online. You can do this method of calculating this one if you don't want to be complicated by calculating it with a manual formula.

The following are steps to calculate the academic value of the police online:

That's information on how to calculate the academic value of the Police that you need to know. Before participating in the selection of police officers, make sure you prepare yourself as well as possible. Participants must ensure that all requirements are met and understand the provisions of each selection process. Also read the registration of BUMN recruitment together.

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