JAKARTA - Artist Taskya Namya revealed the changes she experienced when she was 30 years old. One of the changes she felt the most was the number of friendships she thought were decreasing.

"Nothing, in my opinion, I always think, if I think it's different from 20 (years), 30 (years) is about friendship," said Taskya Namya in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Thursday, February 22.

One example that he took was the character in his new film, which was shooting on Hantu Island. Where in this film Taskya plays Dara who only has 5 friends at the age of 20.

"There aren't too many like, for example, in Dara's character, the five of his gang friends and later in real life, close friends will decrease," he explained.

He felt that the more mature he was, the more visible his friends would be who matched his personality.

"We have a suitable one, definitely those are just and not, there's no difference," he added.

Furthermore, the difference he feels is the habit of not doing many activities at the age of 30 years. This is different when he is 20 years old who always wants to travel.

"In the 20s, maybe it's more like you're not a nurse, you want to go home, now if you're 30, it's better to stay at a friend's house, at home, or just coffee," he concluded.

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