YOGYAKARTA It is recommended for the public to know the initial symptoms of type 2 diabetes. This health disorder is closely related to increasing blood sugar levels. If not treated immediately, it will lead to a decrease in body health.

Type 2 diabetes is a disease that will trigger blood sugar levels to rise and is caused by abnormalities in the body's ability to use the insulin hormone. This condition will affect the body's way of using glucose (blea) as a source of body energy.

Quoted from the website of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, type 2 diabeters are one of the types of diabetes that people often experience and can attack anyone, especially adults. Even recently, diabetes cases in children show an increase.

Type 2 diabetes is caused by insulin resistance, namely the condition of cells when the body fails to make good use of insulin. Please note, insulin is a hormone tasked with helping glucose enter the body's cells. Later this glucose will be converted into energy. Insulin itself is produced by the pancreas when eating.

Quoted from AI Care, the appearance of type 2 diabetes symptoms can be slow. There are even those who actually have type 2 diabetes symptoms but do not notice them. The signs and symptoms that usually appear are as follows.

Type 2 diabetes does not appear without reason. The following are the causes of type 2 diabetes that often occur in society.

Genetic factors are one of the causes of a person suffering from type 2 diabetes. Therefore, you must be careful if one of your siblings has experienced this first.

Excess weight is the biggest trigger for a person to experience type 2 diabetes mellitus. Because the accumulated body fat will interfere with insulin work.

A person with an unhealthy lifestyle such as eating undirected, eating or drinking high sugar and fat, lack of exercise, and smoking will increase the risk of someone suffering from type 2 diabetes.

Addition of age can also be the cause of a person suffering from diabetes. This is because the performance of organs that produce insulin hormones is decreasing.

It is not yet certain why race and ethnicity can be the cause of a person getting type 2 diabetes, but races and ethnicities who have a greater risk of contracting this disease are black, hypanic, Indian, and Asian races when compared to white people.

PCOS or polycytic ovary syndrome is a condition in women in the form of an imbalance in the reproductive hormone. Usually these conditions are characterized by several symptoms such as irregular menstruation, hair grows excessively, obesity, until many acne appear. PCOS also triggers a person to get diabetes.

No need to worry if you meet any of the elements that cause type 2 diabetes. You can take some of the following precautions.

That's information related to early symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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