JAKARTA - The couple Asri Welas and Galiech Ridha Raharja are now on the brink after Asri filed for divorce from her husband at the Depok Religious Court on 5 November.
However, before the issue of this divorce emerged, Asri was suspected of having been in love with a foreign man when he was in New Jersey, United States.
This issue reached Asri Welas's ears and he immediately denied it and said that the man was just an ordinary friend.
"Oh, it's really funny that there is gossip about Asri Welas and her boyfriend. No, that's my friend, he has a child, you know. Tomorrow he wants to go to his house for dinner. So it's not my job," said Asri Welas, quoted by VOI from Instagram @asri_welas, Thursday, November 28.
Furthermore, the Lembayung film player explained the reason he was abroad, especially in New York. He admitted that he was on a business trip.
"I went to New York for business travel, today there is Future Fabrics Expo," he said.
"So Future Fabric Expo is where five know that in the future environmentally friendly materials can be made clothes, anything can be made. So Asri Welas studies in New York," he added.
For information, Asri Welas has been suing for divorce from her husband, Galiech Ridha since November 5. Both are currently undergoing mediation hearings.
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