JAKARTA - D'Cinnamons always have creative ways to accompany their consistency in releasing works. Ahead of this year's Christmas moment, the band from Bandung released several works at once.
In total there are three new songs that they have recorded and have been/ready to be played to the public in stages. It started with a song called 'December', then followed the 'Christmas tree' and finally 'Ready For Christmas Day'.
This is not the first time D'Cinnamons has done this, because they previously released a Christmas-themed song titled 'Silence of Christmas' in November 2021. The song was born, motivated by Dodo's personal experience of losing loved ones at that time, and having to experience Christmas without his presence. He also expressed his sadness in the song.
But this December, Dodo felt a different atmosphere. No longer shrouded in mellows and sad feelings, and has chosen to'move on'. This bright expression was revealed in the trilogy of D'Cinnamons' latest Christmas-themed song. Almost no tone is sad. Everyone has a cheerful and happy speech.
In the song 'December', D'Cinnamons blow the spirit of happiness and joy, as Christians welcome the birthday of Jesus Christ.
Then, coupled with the little thematic song Christmas tree. The lyrics say 'visualization' when we start decorating the Christmas tree at home.
The Christmas tree icon is always a moment of happiness for every family to celebrate. Under the Christmas tree, there are many Christmas gifts for loved ones. The moment that is always eagerly awaited - especially children - to open gifts or gifts. Those who are impatient, have to wait until Christmas Eve, when the gifts were allowed to open," explained Dodo excitedly.
While the song "Ready For Christmas Day" is the moment leading to the peak of Christmas celebration. The main message of this song invites us to be grateful, pray for a bright, special, but packed with a motorcade that is enthusiastic and vibrant.
"Hopeful for gratitude brings us always in a calm and positive mind, enthusiastic about the day of His birth."
All songs are worked on collaboratively by the three personnel of D'Cinnamons. Starting from basic ideas, mixing arrangements to revealing the theme of the lyrics. The process was made directly together in the home studio D'Cinnamons. So it's not in the form of a data combination from the personnel, which is sent from a separate place.
"So you could say, this is really the result of the collaboration of each personnel," said Bona, who is also trusted to organize the sound (mixing) of these songs, emphasized.
One new thing that characterizes these three new songs D'Cinnamons, is the existence of experiments to include elements of drum games and a touch of acoustic piano. Their musical sonic coverage is getting wider, and successfully maximizes the expression of joy they want to reveal.
While on the other hand, the colors and character of the typical musical D'Cinnamons are maintained, where the appeal of acoustic strains that represent the honesty of the expression is very deep inherent. These three Christmas songs, according to Nana, are arguably the latest form of musical exploration from D'Cinnamons.
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