A group of gunmen raided a resident's house in the Duren Sawit area, East Jakarta. The incident was caught on an amateur camera and went viral on social media.
It is known, the incident occurred on Monday, December 30, 2024. However, the upload began to be busy on Thursday, January 2, 2025.
Video footage shows two thieves trying to break into a resident's house. One of the perpetrators climbed the fence to enter the house. While the other perpetrators waited outside the house.
However, the theft failed because it was known to residents first. At that time, residents immediately chased the suspect Palaku.
Before fleeing using a motorbike, the perpetrator pointed a gun at the arrival of the residents.
Knowing this, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Duren Sawit Police, East Jakarta checked the crime scene (TKP).
"Sudah di check TKP, kita dari kepolisian masih proses penyelidikan," ucap Kanit Reskrim Polsek Duren Sawit, AKP Erick Setiawan saat dikonfirmasi, Kamis 2 Januari 2025.
AKP Erick explained that the owner of the house was also directed to make a police report (LP) at the Duren Sawit Police Station, East Jakarta.
"The person concerned has not made an LP," he said.
Meanwhile, the case was handled by the Duren Sawit Police because it went viral on social media.
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