The cause of the death of actor Andre Braugher was revealed four days after the actor died. Andre Braugher died on Monday, December 11.

Braugher's representative explained to PEOPLE that Andre Braugher had lung cancer.

Braugher is said to have known about the verdict a few months ago, but his condition worsened faster during the treatment process.

Andre Braugher is known as Captain Raymond Holt in the Brooklyn Nine-Nine series which airs from 2013 to 2021. His stoic and unreasonable character makes him one of the characters of concern.

In addition, his acting was also known through the Homicide series: Life on the Street as a detective Frank Pembleton.

Andre Braugher's departure left sorrow in Hollywood, including actors who had worked with Braugher.

"I can't believe you left so fast. I'm honored to be able to love you, laugh with you, work with you, and for the past 8 years it's been so beautiful to see your irreplaceable talent," wrote Terry Crews who met Braugher in the Brooklyn Nine-Nine series.

"It's a sad heart. You go too fast. I love every minute working with you... your talent, your love, love your family... your wife. You have an amazing man. God bless your son, your beautiful wife... you will be missed Andre," wrote Viola Davis.

"I'm not just saddened by the loss of an actor but the passing of a warm and good soul. The talent is inevitable, but it's an attitude that shaped him. Rest in peace," wrote producer Shonda Rhimes.

Andre Braugher teamed up with Rhimes for The Residence project which was his last acting project.

Andre Braugher left his wife and three children at the age of 61.

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