JAKARTA - Actress Kiki Amalia and her husband, Agung Nugraha, are waiting for the arrival of their first child, who is now known to have entered the 7th month. In her first pregnancy at the age of 42 years, Kiki admitted that she had experienced various changes in her body.

The changes that can be seen are from the weight of his body. He admitted that in this pregnancy he had gained weight of up to 17 kilograms. Usually Kiki only weighs 45 kg, now he weighs 61 kg.

"Up these 17 kilograms. Usually 45, now 61. So the embedding, but the feet are not swollen. Alhamdulillah, because they often walk," said Kiki Amalia in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, recently.

In addition, Kiki also shared that many acne appeared in several parts of her body. Seeing this, Kiki said that her husband likes fun when he finds acne in his body.

"Suddenly growing a lot of acne in the body, excited in (husband) until he was pocketed, he said acne jams," joked Kiki Amalia.

Despite experiencing many changes, Kiki admitted that she did not feel a problem with this. For him, this change is a normal thing experienced by every pregnant woman.

"I feel that after birth I will return to normal, this is also a process, so it will be enjoyed," he concluded.

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