YOGYAKARTA Symptoms of vertigo, namely dizziness plus a rotating sensation can make it difficult for sufferers to stand up or sit down. In addition, the symptoms of vertigo are also very disturbing When lying down like that makes it difficult for sufferers to get quality sleep. Therefore, it is important to find a comfortable sleeping position for vertigo sufferers. So, what is the right sleeping position when vertigo relapses? Check out the full information below.
The position of sleep during vertigo relapse should not be tilted. The reason is, this can lead to buildup of endolimphouse liquid in the coklea and vestibular organs in the inner ear which can trigger the occurrence of a meniere'sease'.
Instead, vertigo sufferers can try another sleeping position to reduce the intensity of vertigo and minimize the symptoms.
The following are recommendations for sleeping position when vertigo relapses which can be used as an option:
1. Sleep with a higher head position
Sleep with a higher head position can help reduce dizziness due to vertigo. This position can be done with the following steps:
2. Sleep on your back
The position of sleep when vertigo relapses the next is sleep in a supine position. This position can maintain a natural balance of calcium deposits in the inner earline, as well as prevent the buildup of endolimphous fluid in the inner ear that can trigger the Meniere sufferer.
In addition, sleeping on your back by raising your head can also reduce the risk of a recurrence of the BPPV (Benignn Paroxysmal Positional03/vertigo disorder due to abnormalities in your inner ear). However, the sufferer needs to make sure to wake up slowly and avoid the movement suddenly or in a hurry.
3. Sleep with a pillow supporting your back
In certain vertigo cases, such as BPPV, the position of the pillow can determine the comfort of the patient while resting.
Pillows that support the upper back, neck, and head can prevent the Movement suddenly, so that vertigo sufferers will be more comfortable when sleeping.
In addition to applying the sleeping position when vertigo recurrences above, there are other tips that can be done so that vertigo sufferers can get quality sleep, including:
That's information about the position of sleep when vertigo relapses. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.
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