JAKARTA - There are several practical ways that can be done to make white clothes look bright and clean. And, if the color is slightly dull, gray, or yellowing, you can restore its brightness with some simple washing techniques.

Because it is prone to color change, white clothes must be washed every time worn out and should not be mixed with darker clothes. Chlorine whites can help keep clothes clean, but that's not the only way to go. There are several other techniques you can try.

Reporting from Better Homes & Gardens, Thursday, November 9, here's how to wash white clothes to stay clean as new.

Cleaning the stains as soon as possible is an important part of keeping your clothes white. Apply to your stains and wash your white clothes immediately. If it is not possible, apply spill nodes or sparks with water or rinse with running cold water. You can also use a hand sanitizer because the alcohol concentration is quite high.

The first step to keep white clothes white is to carefully sort dirty washing. Washing white clothes separately will prevent color decay that makes white clothes dull.

It's natural that if you think more detergents, clothes will be cleaner. But what happens is the opposite. Using too many detergents, clothing softening fluids, or other products such as fragrance grains and even bleaching can cause a buildup of products that make white clothes look gloomy.

Use an extra rinse cycle when washing white clothes if this program is available on your washing machine. Extra depletion will help remove the remaining foam due to the use of excessive detergents. As well as cleaning up the rest of other washing products, such as fabric softeners or stain care, which can make the appearance dull if left in the fiber of clothing.

Use hot water or warm water to help remove oil and dirt. Wash with normal settings to heavy-duty, depending on the severity of the stain or color change.

Next, to remove residue on white clothes. Instead, add 1 cup of distilled white vinegar to the rinse cycle to ensure all detergents are detached from the fabric.

Washing white clothes more often than dark or bright clothes can help keep clothes as bright as new. Nodes from skin and sebum, as well as dust particles and fine impurities, can stick over time. Washing clothes like white jeans or white hoodies will often make clothes look clean.

Dry white clothes with sunlight because it can make a big difference in its brightness. Ultraviolet rays from the sun will help refresh and whiten. Dry clothes with dryers on lower heat settings. Remove clothes from the dryer when it's a bit humid, and dry on the dryer rack. Be careful not to get too dry, because excessive heat can cause stains and yellowing clothes.

In terms of storing white clothes, both in the short and long term, there are several rules that must be followed to ensure clothes don't turn yellow when stored. The first is to avoid storing white clothes in plastic, because it can inhibit airflow, causing yellow. Instead of using a dry-cleaner bag, plastic clothing bag, or a plastic storage area, choose a storage bag made of blockery or cotton.

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