YOGYAKARTA Airplane passengers are not allowed to land seats during flights carelessly. There is an ethics to donate airplane seats that must be considered so as not to disturb the comfort and safety of other passengers. So what are the ethics that need to be considered?

Before you decide to give up the chair so you are more comfortable to sit down, do some of the following.

If you intend to donate a seat during the flight, it would be nice to see the sitting position of the passengers sitting on your back seat. The reason is that when their position is too close to your seat, falling a chair makes them uncomfortable.

For example, the passengers in the back are looking down, drinking, eating, or other activities that require them to approach your seat. If that happens but you still donate to the back of the seat, then the passengers behind will experience problems such as spilled food, hit the head of the chair, and so on.

If the passengers behind you are eating or drinking, you must postpone the rectification of the seats because when the two activities are carried out, the vacant position of the seats will disturb them.

If the passengers behind it is certain that they are not eating or drinking, you can ask them for permission. Do it politely without forcing. If the passenger does not give permission, you must be heartened to accept the decision. If you are constrained by language, ask the flight attendants who accompany your trip.

You can fall down on a chair after getting permission from passengers sitting behind the chair. However, set down the vacant seat as needed, don't fall down on the chair to the maximum position. In addition, make seats slowly so as not to interfere. Don't fall down on the chair by stopping because it has the potential to cause other passengers to crash.

The position of the vacant seat you ask for is certainly enough to limit the space for passengers to move behind you. It is better to immediately return the seat position to its original position after you get enough time to fall down.

In addition to the ethics of donating airplane seats, there is also ethics to reprimand passengers who fall into seats carelessly, namely as follows.

Disturbed passengers can politely reprimand other passengers. The method can vary, for example by tapping your shoulders slowly and saying that you have a little problem when the seat is donated.

If the passengers in front of you remain adamant about falling down their seats, you are advised to move to another empty seat. You can talk about this transfer to flight attendants to find another place.

During flights avoid conflict with other passengers. Even if you are disturbed, reprimanding other passengers must be done in a subtle way by minimizing conflict. You can ask flight attendants for help to mediate.

Those are some of the ethics of giving up airplane seats. Visit VOI.ID to get more interesting information.

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