YOGYAKARTA Actress, model, and presenter Alya Rohali is now 46 years old. Although she is no longer young, this mother of three is pursuing a hobby of running or jogging. In her social media upload, Puteri Indonesia 1996, had a break. He admitted that the sports break made his body drop, linu-linu, and flu. A week ago, Alya started running again. Take a peek at her beautiful portrait wearing sporty clothes during running.
Choosing sports clothes is certainly not random. Not every outfit is designed to be comfortable with a lot of sweat. If you are looking for inspiration for what outfits are used for sports, especially sports again, you can peek at the portrait of Alya above. In addition to wearing flexible clothes to move, Alya wears an instant hijab for sporty.
Glasses appear to be among the outfits that are not left behind when running. In two portraits uploaded on the verified Instagram account @arohali, Alya wears a sunshield.
Seen in the portrait above, Alya and her daughter ran off in the park. He wrote in the caption, 'Morning run in London. Running 8K is pretty good, all of you can see if you can go to a mandatory place in London, with no pollution and no eungap'.
The caption, written with the mixture, mentions the word 'eungap'. The word means half-hearted as an effect of air pollution. Alya Rohali, through uploading portraits on social media, seems to often participate in running events. Not only in Indonesia, she has been in the marathon in Berlin, Boston, Seoul, and London since four years ago.
The outfits used by Alya are also adjusted to the season. During a marathon in a four-season country, Alya uses a vest to keep her body temperature stable. The reason is, when the weather is cold, it can make your body temperature drop and also affect energy production.
Every time he will take part in a running event, Alya seems to be preparing herself with training. He wrote in the description of the above portrait, no matter what distance and pace, discipline and consistently practice are important.
The above portrait was uploaded by Alya Rohali seven days before attending the Boston Marathon Race. As a result of his efforts to leave for the race, Alya received a 6th World Marathon Majors star.
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