Cats Have Unique Intelligence, According To Scientists These Characteristics
Illustration of cat characteristics has unique intelligence (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA For cat lovers it certainly pays attention to its anabul behavior at home. Cat behavior other than adorable, also illustrates its level of intelligence. Although research is still being carried out to explore how cat capabilities are, scientists believe that cats have unique intelligence.

Cats can learn new information through senses. Not only learning new information, their cognitive ability to assemble the information. Although it is difficult to be cooperative and difficult to predict behavior for research, cats have a high talent for learning and making their own decisions.

The cat's brain is only about two inches in size weighing about an ounce and occupies less than 1 percent of its body mass. While it is true that cat intelligence lies in the brain, brain structure and surface folding determines intelligence, not its size.

Launching Bondvet, Thursday, September 28, the surface folding and brain structure of cats is 90 percent similar to that of the human brain. Just like the human brain, every part of the cat's brain is divided, specialized, and connected to other parts of the brain. This gives cats a nearly human-like ability to understand, respond, and even manipulate their environment.

Nevertheless, cerebral cortex is part of the brain that controls rational thinking and decision-making. In the human brain, cerebral cortex contains about 21 - 26 billion neurons, while cat cerebral cortex has about 300 million neurons. Experts believe that cat intelligence is comparable to humans aged 2 years.

Both in cats and humans, cerebral cortex not only regulates higher brain function but also short-term and long-term memory as well as problem solving. Memories are used to store and remember information from past experiences. Evidence shows cats can remember and use information from their memories. They can also learn through observation and Action. Not infrequently cats learn how to ring a bell, turn on a light switch, or even open the door only by paying attention to their human friends.

The cat's memory can last for 10 years or more, depending on its age. Cats are also superior in procedural and spatial memory and associate individual memories of a place, event, and emotion they experienced at that time. They can remember experiences of fear, pain, or trauma, as well as positive emotions such as happiness or satisfaction. Research shows that cats are aware of objects that are not seen directly. This ability is called the introduction of the object's permanentity.

Apart from having short-term and long-term memory, cats also have perfect vision. In other words, your cat really gives you a bad look when you're packaging a suitcase. He sees what you do and remembers when you last took out the suitcase.

In addition to the above characteristics scientifically proven, here are the signs of intelligence on cats:

In addition to the list above, cat intelligence regulates natural internal clocks that tell when to hunt and when to rest.

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