YOGYAKARTA - Eye health needs to be considered and maintained so as not to experience impaired sense of sight. Therefore, everyone is advised to do regular eye examinations to make sure they stay healthy and functioning properly. However, there are still many who do not know the eye check-up and process.

Medical check-up (MCU) eyes are routine eye examinations as a step to prevent visual problems. Health experts even suggest eye examinations are carried out from an early age to an adult. Of course, everyone does not want to experience vision problems because this condition can inhibit or interfere with activities.

Unfortunately, there are still many people who do not know eye check-ups, even though this treatment is very important from the age of children. In the eye check-up, there are several types of examinations that are carried out to check the health of the sense of sight as a whole.

Eye check-up is a medical procedure in the form of routine eye checks. This examination aims to check the health condition of a person's eyes, thus preventing visual impairments. In addition, you can also know if there are health problems in your eyes and handling them quickly and accurately.

There are many eye health problems that people usually experience, such as cataracts, color blindness, close or distant ceremonies, glaukuma, and others. By checking your eyes up, you can detect them early if there is such a problem. The handling process can also be done faster and healing can be more effective.

When checking up the eyes, there are several stages or tests that the patient must undergo. Here are some types of eye tests that are common:

When checking up the eyes, usually doctors will start by asking if you have complaints about your eyes or visual impairment. Then the doctor will perform physical examinations on the eyes, such as the inner part of the eyelids, Gonea, sclera, eye lenses, pupils, slices, and fluid inside the eye. The deeper part of the eye, such as blood vessels, eye nerves, and retina, will be examined using an ophthalmoscopic device.

An eye muscle examination aims to measure the strength of your eye muscle in moving the eyepiece. During this examination, the doctor will ask you to open and cover your eyelids. Then you will also be asked to follow the doctor's finger movement or other objects.

The refractive test or examination of the sharpness of sight aims to assess how clearly the patient can see objects at a certain distance. Usually the vision sharpness test uses a Snellen card which contains various letters and numbers with various sizes.

When undergoing this test, you will be asked to read the letter or number contained on the Snellen card which is placed about 6 meters from your position. If it is detected that there is a refractive problem in the eye, the doctor will install a glasses-like device called a phoropter to determine the thickness of the lens of the matched glasses.

A field of view examination aims to evaluate your visual abilities when your eyes are on a point in the surrounding environment. During the examination, you will be asked to sit down and close one of his eyes with your hands.

The doctor will then ask you to focus on one particular point that is in sight. Then the doctor will move his finger or object from various directions to test the ability of your eyes to see objects.

Color blind tests are often carried out using the Ishihara method. In this method, you will be asked to read the numbers or special patterns that appear on certain color cards. If your vision is normal, you can see the numbers printed on the card. But if you experience color blindness, then you have difficulty reading numbers or maybe it looks like a different number.

Tonometry is a test to measure pressure inside the eye's sphere or intraocular pressure (TIO). This test aims to check if there are conditions that can increase pressure inside the eye, such as glaukuma. There are two common methods of tonommetry used, namely planaration tonommetry and non-contact tonommetry.

Such are the reviews of getting to know eye check-ups and the types of eye examinations that are common. Everyone needs to do an eye check-up even though they have no complaints or disease in the sense of sight. Check-up of the eye at least once every 2 years.

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