JAKARTA - Hanna Natasya Maria Mirdad alias Nana Mirdad is known to have a healthy lifestyle habit. He usually shows this habit through uploads on his Instagram social media. One of the important things for Nana in maintaining her health is drinking water.

In addition, Andrew White's wife also combines healthy drinks with healthy foods as well. On one occasion, Nana shared the food menu that she usually eats every day.

"Drink water. I'm the person because I'm a bit happy with the variations in the food menu. For example, in a day I eat Goods, then in the afternoon I prefer what I usually eat at night," said Nana Mirdadi in Kuningan, South Jakarta, Tuesday, September 19.

"But I am very important in every plate I have half, at least there are green vegetables," he said.

The mother of two children deliberately does a healthy lifestyle not only to maintain health but to maintain her skin. For this 38-year-old woman, the food we consume can affect the appearance of the skin as well.

"I really believe that what we put into our bodies really makes us glow from within is very mandatory," he continued.

"If we start an activity getting used to seeing healthy foods, the colorful colors on our plates finally, our plates are a bit flat than ourselves, it's not good to see them," he added.

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