JAKARTA - Happy news is approaching the couple Kiki Amalia and Agung Nugraha. Through his Instagram social media account, Kiki announced about the pregnancy of her first child.

In the 43-second video recording, Kiki can be seen showing the pregnancy test kit that she has done. Furthermore, Kiki is seen in the video checking her womb.

In the description column, Kiki admitted that she had hidden the news of her pregnancy. However, now he announced his gratitude for the gift of his first child.

"We've been keeping a little secret! Thank God I'm 15 weeks pregnant," wrote Kiki Amalia, quoted by VOI, Tuesday, September 12.

In addition to expressing gratitude for her 41-year-old pregnancy, Kiki also asked everyone for prayers for this happy news.

"Pray for the best, friends," he continued.

The couple Kiki Amalia and Agung Nugraha married on Sunday, November 27, 2022. Agung became Kiki's second husband after 10 years of being widowed.

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