JAKARTA - The film KADET 1947 has again received a positive response from Indonesian film lovers. The film produced by Temata Studio and Legacy Pictures, and supported by the Indonesian Air Force, started airing Netflix since July 7, 2022.

After airing, KADET 1947 immediately entered the ranks of the most watched. The 1947 KADET film Instagram account uploaded a screenshot of the record.

The film, produced by Celerina Judisari, tells the heroic story of the Air Force cadets who attacked the Dutch headquarters during the 2nd Dutch military aggression in 1947.

The film, which is packaged in pop culture, is directed by▁Akhirnyai Mandra and Aldo Swastia. Since its Netflix release, the film has received many positive comments about the film and the need for a historical film show that ignites the spirit of nationalism.

The Minister of SOEs, Erick Tohir, said that the film KADET 1947 was able to inflame the spirit of patriotism. "The film is very good. There is a side to drama and entertaining. What is certain is that nationalism is very well achieved," he said.

Celerina Judisari revealed, struggle-themed films still have great fans. "That by entering the top ranking as a film that is watched in Indonesia, it is proven that struggle-themed films are also in demand, and watching heroic films do not have to be based on certain moments, but can be shown at any time and can be a family that is watched together," she explained.

Meanwhile, Tesadesrada Ryza, who is also the producer of this film, said that the film KADET 1947 can make Generation Z and millennials love Indonesian countries more. "Contoning Cadet 1947 hopes that young people will love Indonesia more and respect the fighters who have sacrificed for the independence of this nation," he hoped.

Actress Karina Suwandi also commented on this film. "I'm missing out. Finally watched @Kadet1947 Bagoroossssss!!!! Cool!!! Salute," she commented.

The same thing was also conveyed by comedian Tika Pangabean. "The film is good, and can be seen by all generations. Watching this film can foster a sense of love for this beloved homeland. Come on, those who didn't have time to watch it at the cinema, can you watch the film KADET 1947 on Netflix," she explained.

Previously, the film KADET 1947, played by Ario Bayu, Bisma Karisma, Kevin Julio, Omara Esteghlal, Marthino Lio, Wafda Saifan, Givins, Fajar Nugra and Chicco Kurniawan, was released in cinemas throughout Indonesia on November 25, 2021.

"This 1947 film, not only can be enjoyed by audiences in Indonesia but also international audiences. This film has also won 2 awards at JAFF. This is what makes us very happy," concluded Celerina.

Ryza, who is also the producer of KADET 1947, added that this film For all generations, especially the millennial generation and Z, can know more about the history of their nation and contribute to Indonesia through the works of today's young generation.

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