JAKARTA - Actor and director Richard Oh passed away on Thursday, April 7. This news was shared by fellow director, Gina S Noer via social media on the same day.

"Rest in peace, Richard Oh. Thank you for your contribution to the world of Indonesian literature and film,” wrote Gina S. Noer.

Richard Oh died at 19.30 p.m. at Eka Hospital BSD. Reportedly his body will be buried in Banjarmasin.

Richard Oh is a director who was born on October 30, 1959. Besides that, he is also a writer who founded the Kusala Sastra Khatulistiwa event.

His career in film started with the film Koper where he became a screenwriter and director. He has also been an actor in the films Cinta Setaman, Mika, Belenggu, Mantan Terindah and many others.

In addition, the films that he directs are Melancholy is a Movement, Terpana, Hunting, Love is a Bird, and the last one is Menunggu Bunda.

As an actor, in recent years he has appeared in Yowis Ben's trilogy, 27 Steps of May, Seperti Hujan yang Turun Ke Bumi. Richard Oh is also included in the ranks of Buya Hamka's film actors. Richard Oh died at the age of 62.

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