JAKARTA - The father-in-law of the Arzeti Bilbina model, Major General of the retired TNI. H. Bachrul Ulum passed away on Sunday, January 30, 2022.

Major General of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, Ret. H. Bachrul Ulum passed away on Sunday morning at the Tlogorejo hospital, Semarang. The reason for the departure of Aditya Setiawan's father is not yet known.

According to photos, Arzeti's father-in-law will be buried on Monday, January 31 at the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery.

Arzeti Bilbina has yet to upload the sad news, but the latest photo on her Instagram is filled with words from netizens.

"When I feel how big and strong your love is.. for me and BDG dad.. we're lucky to have you... God take care of dad... Bismillah," wrote Arzeti Bilbina on January 28.

Then, several netizens and relatives wrote condolences through the comments column.

"My deepest condolences for the passing of your father-in-law, Ms. @arzetibi.. may your late father be given the most beautiful place by His side, amen..." said a relative.

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi roji'uun. Condolences to sis @arzetibi. Allahuma firlahu warhamhu wa afihi wafuanhu. I hope that Uncle Bahrul Ulum's deeds of worship will be accepted by Allah SWT, and his sins and mistakes will be forgiven. Amen, robbal a'lamiin," said another.

"Innalillahi wainailaihi rojiun.. condolences for your father, while working at Jababeka, I used to know him as a good and generous father," wrote another.

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