TANGERANG - The police pocketed the identity of the shooter at the Rest Area KM45 Tangerang-Merak Toll Road, Thursday, January 2, yesterday. In that incident, one victim named Ilyas Abdurahman (48) died, while his colleague was still being treated at the hospital.
"The characteristics of our perpetrators are already pocketed," said Head of Public Relations of the Tangerang Police," said Head of Public Relations of the Tangerang Police, Friday, January 3.
The police confirmed that the joint team of the Satreskrim would arrest the shooter, through traces of Indomaret's CCTV footage.
"We are pursuing the perpetrators. Some have been pocketed, we cannot convey information from the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, what is certain is that officers are in the field for the arrest process," explained Purbawa.
Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tangerang Police, Kompol Arief, said that the shooting case was motivated by car embezzlement, where the perpetrator was suspected of taking the victim's car away. Then the victim tried to track the car through a GPS track.
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