JAKARTA - Mayapada Healthcare, through its unit Mayapada Hospital, has started a series of mutual cooperation vaccination programs, in which the independent vaccine enters the 3rd phase which has been announced by the government. Mayapada Hospital is one of the hospitals appointed to carry out self-vaccination or mutual assistance.

This time, Mayapada Hospital is again appointed as a vaccinator for mutual cooperation vaccines for employees of the Mayora Group and PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk starting today, Tuesday, May 18th. The target of vaccination phase 3 in the vaccination program from the government is the independent vaccine/Mutual Cooperation vaccine for company employees, where the price of the vaccine is charged to each company and not to employees/personal.

Through all its units, namely Mayapada Hospital Tangerang, Mayapada Hospital South Jakarta, Mayapada Hospital Kuningan, and Mayapada Hospital Bogor, the hospital owned by the conglomerate Dato Sri Tahir is ready to support the government's program to accelerate the COVID-19 vaccine to become a vaccinator for an independent vaccine program or mutual cooperation.

Today, the Mayora Group carries out vaccinations starting with phase 1 of vaccination, totaling 5.000 people. Likewise with PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk, which will carry out phase 1 of vaccination totaling 1.500 people.

"Vaccination is carried out at the location of each company by following strict health protocols in accordance with applicable regulations", said Mayapada Healthcare Group CEO Jonathan Tahir in a written statement, Tuesday, May 18.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo is known to have supported this independent or mutual aid vaccination through video conferences. This also confirms that the independent or mutual aid vaccination is being followed simultaneously by several private companies in Indonesia.

This independent vaccination is one of the government's efforts to control the pandemic in Indonesia. With the pandemic being under control, the health system can return to stability and become one of the efforts to restore the national economy.

This program can be followed by all companies/business entities/private legal entities in Indonesia by sending an official letter to the Ministry of Health/Kadin (Indonesian Chamber of Commerce) by attaching data including name, Identity Number (NIK), and address.

This type of mutual cooperation vaccination will be imposed on the respective companies and not on the employees. This vaccine procurement process is the responsibility of the Ministry of SOEs (BUMN) and PT Bio Farma.

If the Ministry of BUMN has approved the application of the company/business entity / legal entity, Bio Farma will distribute the vaccine to private health facilities/vaccinators appointed by the company. The vaccination and observation process follows the health protocols established by the government.

The main requirement for vaccination is being healthy and not taking any medication. Prospective vaccination recipients are first given a brief medical examination through interviews with patients, or what is called additional anamnesis, then followed by a physical examination (blood pressure, pulse, temperature) before receiving a vaccination injection for each individual.

Those who get vaccinated, for 30 minutes after injection, will be observed to see the adverse effects or AEFI (Post-Immunization Follow-up Events). During the process of the first and second vaccines, it is hoped that they will continue to follow the 5M health protocol (washing hands, wearing masks, maintaining distance, moving away from crowds, reducing mobility).

"As of today, we are starting a series of mutual cooperation vaccination programs for companies/business entities/legal entities in Indonesia and supporting the government in accelerating the COVID-19 vaccination program as an effort to control this pandemic", said Jonathan.

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