JAKARTA - The Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) has recruited a number of Ministries and institutions to certify customary land belonging to the indigenous law community (MHA) in Indonesia.

Several agencies were cooperated, including the Ministry of ATR/BPN, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.

"With the exchange of information and experience in handling customary land problems by meeting participants, it is hoped that problems or obstacles in the registration of customary land can be resolved collaboratively," said the Daily Executive Director General of Regional Administration of the Ministry of Home Affairs Amran quoting Antara.

Not only for the exchange of experience, the cooperation was carried out so that each ministry could equalize data to each other about MHA's customary land area.

Each agency can also synchronize regulations so that the completion of customary land certification in the field can be completed quickly.

In the same press statement, the Head of Sub-Directorate for the Land of Ulayat and Communal Rights of the Ministry of ATR/BPN Setyo Anggraini said that MHA would receive many benefits if he wanted to certify his customary land.

He said MHA would have legality against a land so that it would not be contested or trapped in disputes.

The legality of this customary land, continued Setyo, will also strengthen MHA's position if there is a problem with land in the future.

In addition, the certification of customary land is also considered as a form of government recognition of the existence of MHA throughout Indonesia.

Currently, relevant ministries and institutions are discussing data synchronization to certify customary land.

"With this certification, the government believes that MHA's right to land ownership will remain guaranteed," he said.

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