JAKARTA - Acting (Plt) Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority (IKN) Basuki Hadimuljono ensured that the land acquisition process of around 2,086 hectares (ha) for the IKN project would be completed soon.

Basuki said that the completion of land acquisition would be carried out through the Social Management of Community Impact (PSDK) Plus scheme.

"For now (resolution of land problems) there is PDSK Plus. It's just a matter of waiting for socialization from the governor. Yes, it's already been negotiated. Later, on 27 (June) this is socialization, disbursement, pay," said Basuki when met by reporters at his office, Friday, June 21.

He said the socialization of the PSDK Plus program would be carried out by the East Kalimantan Regional Government.

According to Basuki, compensation will be regulated in the Decree (SK) of the Governor of East Kalimantan. However, the cost is using the budget from the Ministry of PUPR.

However, he did not specify the nominal prepared.

"The budget is there. Their gardens are replaced, houses are made," he said.

Later, there will be 91 affected families and will receive PDSK Plus. They are welcome to choose the type of house.

"We told them to choose a flat or landed house," he said.

Basuki explained that the land whose acquisition was still in process would be used for the 6A-6B toll road project, flood control projects in Sepaku and road access to the IKN Mosque.

Especially for the road access project to the mosque, he continued, it is possible not to use the PSDK Plus scheme. This is because the land area is only half a hectare.

"Maybe they are released normally. According to ATR (Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning) there is no need to use (PSDK Plus) because the process takes longer," he added.

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