Commissioner of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas), Choirul Anam, said that there were three police officers who underwent a trial at the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) related to extortion of dozens of foreign nationals (WNA) from Malaysia during the 2024 Djakarta Warehouse Project (DWP).

Of the three policemen who underwent internal justice, one of them was the Director of Drug Investigation.

"Dir narkoba, kasubdit, dan satunya (saya) lupa. Ada 3 orang," ujar Anam kepada VOI, Selasa, 31 Desember.

It is possible that the Director of Drugs in question is Kombes Donald Simanjuntak. Because, he was removed from his position in the context of examination.

The removal of Kombes Donald Simanjuntak was based on the telegram (ST) number ST/2276/XI/KEP./2024.

The National Police Propam is known to have started holding a series of KKEP sessions related to the extortion today.

Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, said that the internal justice would be held at the TNCC building at the National Police Headquarters.

"Yes, that's right, in accordance with the Commitment of the National Police Leadership through the Div Propam Polri which has been submitted, has taken firm action and today starts at the ethics trial," said Trunoyudo.

Trunoyudo said that the ethics trial would be attended and supervised by Kompolnas as an external party. Thus, the judicial process will be transparent.

" Simultaneously and continuously, the ethics trial process is monitored by Kompolnas," said Trunoyudo.

Meanwhile, 18 police officers are said to have been involved in extortion against 45 Malaysian citizens during the DWP concert. Currently, they are placed in a special place (patsus).

From the deepening, the National Police Propam found evidence of extortion carried out by dozens of police officers reaching Rp2.5 billion.

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