JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) has finally issued an acquisition permit for PT. Mega Corpora to take over PT. Bank Harda Internasional Tbk (BBHI). Previously, the shareholders of Bank Harda had agreed to take over the company.

OJK issued the acquisition license on March 10. The management of Bank Harda and PT. Mega Corpora - a company owned by the conglomerate Chairul Tanjung - revealed this in a disclosure of information on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) website.

President Director of Bank Harda, Yohanes said the permit of the OJK is attached in the Decree of the OJK Board of Commissioners no. Kep.40/D.03/2021 dated March 10, 2021, concerning permission to take over 73.71 percent of the shares of PT. Bank Harda Internasional Tbk by PT. Mega Corpora.

"Settlement of the takeover transaction will be carried out based on the prevailing laws and regulations," he said, as quoted on Sunday, March 14.

This acquisition will have an impact on shareholders. When the takeover process has been completed, the company owned by the 9th richest person in Indonesia will make a mandatory tender offer.

This is as stipulated in the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Regulation No.9/POJK.04/2018 concerning the takeover of public companies. The tender offer price must have been announced to the public since early November 2020, which is IDR 160.26 per share.

This price is the average of the highest daily trading price on the Indonesian Stock Exchange for 90 calendar days prior to the announcement of the takeover plan.

Previously, on October 16, 2020, the majority shareholder of Bank Harda, PT. Hakimputra Perkasa, had signed a share purchase agreement of 3.08 billion shares or 73.71 percent of all issued and fully paid shares.

Then, BBHI shareholders have also approved the plan to take over by Mega Corpora on the 3.08 billion shares. Shareholders' permit was given at the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (EGMS) which was held on Friday, January 29, 2021.

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