JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) said that as many as 43 national strategic projects (PSN) would be completed after 2024.

This was revealed by the Expert Staff of the Minister for Integrated Development of the Ministry of PUPR Maulidya Indah Junica when met by reporters after the National Working Meeting on Acceleration and Pre-Evaluation of PSN at the Park Hyatt Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday, May 14.

"If it is not finished, it is planned that there will be a target that exceeds 2024, but there are 4 (projects) that were originally completed in 2024 which was launched to 2025. That means, if 43 (projects) are reduced by 4, it is planned (completed) more than 2024. I mean not intentional, but (the project) is just starting. Right, (the target is complete) definitely year-jumping," he said.

Maulidya said, there are two examples of projects directed by the Ministry of PUPR which are targeted for completion after 2024, namely the Probolinggo-Banyuwangi Toll Road and the Jakarta Sewerage System sanitation project in DKI Jakarta.

He considered that the two projects would be completed in 2025. This is because the project work has just started.

"One of them is the Probolinggo-Banyuwangi Toll Road. Then, SPAM Karian because it's just started, right, it's impossible to finish it now. Or what is currently being done is the Jakarta Sewerage System, it's an integrated sanitation system. It's just started in 2024 and it's not only implemented by the Ministry of PUPR, it's also carried out by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government," he said.

Even so, Maulidya has not been able to elaborate further on the value of 43 PSN which will be completed next year. According to him, the average value of one PSN could reach around Rp. 1 trillion.

"You can imagine that the average of one activity is definitely more than IDR 1 trillion because, right, the scope is not the scope of one area. Sometimes it also crosses administrative areas, so it's quite large," he added.

The 43 PSN targeted to be completed after this year include 5 dams, 2 irrigation areas, 1 raw water, 1 SPAM, 1 sanitation, 1 area and 32 toll roads.

In detail, as many as 5 dams consist of Mbay Dams in East Nusa Tenggara, Tigadiharaji Dam in South Sumatra, Bener Dam in Central Java, Rukoh Dam & Steering Building in Aceh and Karanganongko Dam in Central Java.

Next, there are 2 irrigation units consisting of the rehabilitation of the Range Irrigation Area in West Java and the construction of the Lemcurang Irrigation Area in South Sumatra.

Then, there is 1 SPAM Karian in Serpong, Banten, 1 Sanitation of the Jakarta Sewerage System and 1 Batang Industrial Estate.

Then, there are 32 toll roads including the Serang-Panimbang Toll Road, the Bogor Ring Road (including Caringin-Salabenda Toll Road), the High Cliff-Pematang Siantar-Prapat-Tarutung-Sibolga Toll Road, the Ngawi-Kertosono-Kediri Toll Road (especially the Kertosono-Kediri Section), the Ciawi-Sukabumi-Caliranjang-Padalarang Toll Road and the Depok-Antasari Toll Road (including Bojonggede-Salabenda).

Furthermore, the Bekasi-Cawang-Kampung Melayu Toll Road, Serpong-Balaraja Toll Road, Semanan-Sunter Toll Road, Sunter-Pulo Gebang Toll Road, Duri Pulo-Kampung Melayu Toll Road and Kemayoran-Kampung Melayu Toll Road.

There are also Ulujami-Tanah Abang Toll Road, Pasar Minggu-Casablanca Toll Road, Probolinggo-Banyuwangi Toll Road, Krian-Legundi-Bunder-Manyar Toll Road, South Side II Jakarta Cikampek II Toll Road and Solo-Yogyakarta-Kulon Progo Toll Road.

In addition, there are Semarang-Demak Toll Roads, Binjai-Langsa Toll Road, Bukittinggi-Padang Panjang-Lubuk Alung-Padang Toll Road, Pekanbaru-Bangkinang-Payakumbuh-Bukittinggi Toll Road, Yogyakarta-Bawen Toll Road and Betung Toll Road (Sp. Sekayu)-Tempino-Jambi.

Then, Jambi-Rengat Toll Road, Rengat-Pekanbaru Toll Road, Indralaya-Muara Enim Toll Road, Lubuk Linggau-Curup-Bengkulu Toll Road, Gedebage-Tasikmalaya-Cilacap Toll Road (target completion of 2024 Gedebage-Tasikmalaya Toll Road, Patimban Access Toll Road and Gilimanuk-Negara-Pekutatan-Soka-Mengawi Toll Road and Kayu Agung-Palembang-Betung Toll Road.

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