JAKARTA - The state-owned company (BUMN) engaged in financial services, PT Pegadaian, provides interest-free pawning facilities until June 30. These efforts are at the same time a continuation of a similar program that was launched some time ago.

Meanwhile, the main requirement for joining this service is a loan with a nominal value of less than IDR 1 million. President Director of Pegadaian, Kuswiyoto said that the 0 percent interest program is proof of the company's concern for the community in the pandemic era.

"We hope this program can help people in facing difficulties", in his statement Friday, March 5.

He explained that the 0 percent interest program called Gadai Peduli had been running since May 2020. Until the end of December 2020, it was noted that this program had been used by more than 2.82 million customers with a total loan of IDR 1.85 trillion.

"The average community loan is in the range of IDR 686.000", he said.

On this occasion, the Pegadaian boss did not forget to invite the public to continue to comply with health protocols. He also invited all parties to actively support the government in the success of the vaccination program so as to create herd immunity so that the COVID-19 pandemic will soon pass.

For information, the Gadai Peduli program is an interest-free loan program that is given to the public, such as students, housewives, laborers, and the community with certain collateral. This program is valid for new customers with loans up to IDR 1 million and a maximum credit period of 90 days.

This program can be accessed at all Pegadaian outlets by pawning goods and attaching photocopies of ID cards, family cards, and filling in the forms that have been prepared. In order for this program to benefit more people, each family may only have access to one transaction.

"This program extension proves our commitment which is in line with the spirit of State-owned Enterprises (BUMN) for Indonesia. Pegadaian also continues to play an active role in national economic recovery through both products and services", concluded Kuswiyoto.

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