JAKARTA - The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) projects that the economic turnover in the tourism sector and the creative economy will reach IDR 276.11 trillion during the 2024 Eid moment.

Deputy for Strategic Studies at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Dessy Ruhati, said that this potential was by looking at the movement of people during the Eid holiday which was predicted to reach 193.6 million people, an increase compared to the previous year's 123.8 million people based on data from the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub).

"This figure has increased significantly by 15 percent when compared to the potential economic turnover of Lebaran the previous year, which was Rp. 240.01 trillion," said Dessy in a written statement, Monday, April 1.

Dessy said that the movement of domestic tourists (wisnus) itself will mostly lead to Java Island with the three largest destinations, namely Central Java with 61.6 million people, East Java 37.6 million people and West Java with 32.1 million people.

"Then, the travelers came from the East Java area at 16.2 percent, Jabodetabek at 14.7 percent and Central Java at 13.5 percent using four modes of transportation, namely trains, buses, cars and private motorbikes," he said.

According to a preliminary analysis of a survey conducted by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Dessy said, the preference for tourist attractions in the Lebaran season this year is beaches/danauses, culinary centers, mountains/aggrotourism, recreation parks/article parks and shopping centers.

Meanwhile, the favorite tourist destinations in the Lebaran 2024 holiday are the Special Region of Yogyakarta which includes Malioboro and Parangtritis, for Central Java there are Borobudur Temple and East Java there is Bromo.

Then, West Java includes Ciwidey, Pangandaran and Lembang and Jabodetabek covering Puncak Bogor and Ragunan. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy projects that the average duration of community travel reaches two to four days or one day trip.

"We hope that the readiness of both security and comfort destinations will be an important part in presenting smoothness during this year's Eid holiday," he said.

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