PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) encourages zakat, infaq, alms, and waqf (ziswaf) to become sustainable Islamic economic instruments.

SEVP Digital Banking BSI Saut Parulian Saragih said various strategic steps were being taken, namely cooperating with 18 ziswaf institutions for the development of waqf projects in the fields of education, environment, health, and other service fields.

"Ziswaf is part of the halal ecosystem that must be encouraged to have a sustainable impact on the community," said Saut in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, March 7.

In addition, the company also optimizes the collection of ziswaf and digital donations through BSI Mobile.

The ziswaf thematic campaign is also adjusted to the thematic period, such as the payment of fiddies before the month of Ramadan.

As of January 2024, the volume of ziswaf transactions on BSI e-channels reached IDR 8.8 billion, growing 21 percent on an annual basis (year-on-year).

In 2024, the company targets the ziswaf volume in BSI to reach Rp200 billion compared to the achievement in 2023 of Rp96 billion through the BSI Mobile channel.

"Later on, this ziswaf will form a society to become resilient and sustainable from proper and efficient ziswaf management," he said.

Saut explained that ziswaf is a sharia instrument that has potential, of course, cannot stand alone, but requires an elaboration between project readiness, funding schemes, collection and downstreaming of projects.

Therefore, Saut continued, it was BSI's role to facilitate ziswaf transactions so that sharia instruments function optimally.

He further said that several strategies would be encouraged, including first, the increase in the number of partners of the zakat amil institution (LAZ), which currently the company has collaborated with BSI Maslahat, Baznas, Dompet Dhuafa, Rumah Zakat, Lazisnu, Lazismu, DT Peduli, Rumah Yatim, Mizan Amanah, Baitul Maal Hidayatullah, Badan Waqf Indonesia, YBM PLN, and the Mandiri Amal Insani Foundation.

Second, facilitating thematic donations, including donations for orphans, humanitarian assistance, assistance for flood victims in Demak, to village empowerment zakat.

Third, increasing awareness for online ziswaf at BSI Mobile.

Currently, BSI Mobile reaches 6.3 million users with the number of users of the zismaf feature and donations at BSI Mobile in 2024 targeted to reach 3 million users.

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