JAKARTA - Shopping centers are one of the strategic points for the distribution of Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) because they have a large parking lot and are active community centers.

This is what underlies AEON Mall Deltamas to provide SPKLU facilities, by cooperating with SPKLU provider Utomo Chargeplus, in the form of ultra-fast charging technology that can be used to charge 8 electric cars at once.

"The presence of the SPKLU complex also supports the vision of AEON Mall Deltamas as a greenship building, where in order to get this certificate there must be a SPKLU facility that supports the acceleration of clean mobility," explained General Manager AEON Mall Deltamas Sri Prayogi in his official statement, Monday, December 12.

The Utomo Chargeplus SPKLU Complex at the AEON Mall Deltamas shopping center is planned to open in March 2024.

Sri said that the SPKLU point here will be equipped with solar panels so that AEON Group's commitment to aligning economic and environmental growth is not just a figment.

As is known, the Utomo Chargeplus SPKLU currently intensively increases charging points according to the government's target in the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) as many as 1,58 SPKLU units.

Managing Director of PT Utomo Chargeplus Indonesia Anthony Utomo conveyed that the SPKLU Utomo Chargeplus technology to be installed at AEON Mall Deltamas is an ultra-fast charging Inferno type.

"We are very happy that more and more private parties care about the development of clean mobility by providing SPKLU in their business location. This will of course also have a good impact on the net-zero emission target," explained Anthony.

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