PT Green busyia Indonesia hopes that the Kayan Cascade hydropower plant can operate soon.

This is because the construction of ammonia plants in the Indonesian Green Industrial Estate (KIHI) can only be carried out when there is certainty from the construction of the Kayan hydropower plant.

This was conveyed by the President Director of PT Green ammonia Indonesia Hari Supriyadi, at the Kayan Cascade hydropower construction arena, Muara Pengean Village, Peso District, Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan Province, Sunday, December 10.

"We really hope that this hydropower project will be completed soon. If this is certain, we will just build a factory. We will align the construction of the factory in accordance with the construction of this hydropower plant," said Hari at the location.

For your information, the Indonesian Green Industrial Estate (KIHI) in Kaltara is also managed by PT Kalimantan Industrial Park Indonesia (KIPI) and PT Indonesia Strategic Industry (ISI).

Furthermore, Hari explained, the reason for the construction of the ammonia plant must follow the construction of the Kayan hydropower plant because electricity available at the factory must be green or green energy.

"We can't go first (building factories), if we go first, we don't have electricity supply that is hydroelectric, we can't make fun of PLN because the product won't be green. So, we have to always coordinate well with the KHE team for us when," he said.

Hari said his party would build two factories in the ISI area. Apart from the ammonia plant, it is also a hydrogen factory.

However, what has just been confirmed and signed by the MoU is the ammonia plant.

The total number of these two factories requires around 600 MW of electric power.

Still said Hari, the ammonia plant to be built will produce 300 tons of ammonia per day or around 100,000 tons per year.

The ammonia will be exported to a number of countries including Japan and South Korea.

Our target of 'Amonia and hydrogen' is only 1 million tons. This could be the largest. Because we know the use of ammonia is now becoming big as fuel. So the use of aamonia and hydrogen is a leap forward. So, for example, a Toyota is no longer a concern to electric cars but to hydrogen cars," he said.

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