JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said that the implementation of the 10th World Water Forum in May 2024 aims to create awareness of water resources.

"The World Water Forum (WWF) is the largest water festival in the world. So, our interest is to raise awareness to all levels of water management, starting from the center, regional, and local to always be aware of water," Basuki said when met in the GBK area. Jakarta, quoted Monday, December 4th.

Basuki said that the issue related to water resources was not only a national issue, but also a global issue.

"So, WWF is a festival, so there are several regional topics, and that's very different from conferences or seminars," he said.

There are three discussions in the 10th World Water Forum, namely three topics on thematic, political, and regional issues. In the thematic topics, six subthemes have been determined, namely Water Security and Prosperity, Water for Humans and Nature, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, Governance, Cooperation, and Hydro-diplomacy Sustainable Water Finance, Knowledge and Innovation.

Then, regional topics are divided into four regions, namely the Mediterranean, Asia Pacific, Africa, and America. Discussions are needed at the regional level, because each region has different uniqueness and challenges about water.

Meanwhile, on political topics, it is divided into meetings at the level of heads of state, ministers, parliament, local governments, and river area authorities.

The implementation of the 10th World Water Forum in Bali in 2024 is a momentum to increase cooperation for global water management.

The 10th World Water Forum which will be held on 18-24 May 2024 carries the theme 'Water for Shared Prosperity'.

By bringing hope that the World Water Forum will become a place for various stakeholders from various countries to share experiences and innovation in responding to various water management challenges globally.

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