JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) is currently drafting a new Minister of Industry Regulation (Permenperin) relating to border import supervision as the implementation of limited prohibitions (lartas).
This regulation applies to 8 export commodities, including children's toys, electronic goods, footwear, cosmetic products, textile goods, traditional medicines and health supplements, ready-made clothing, and clothing accessories, as well as bag products.
Acting Director General of the Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Textile Industry of the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) Taufiek Bawazier explained that these regulations will be released in the near future and will be handled by the Directorate General of Resilience, Regionalization & International Industrial Access (KPAII).
"The Perinperin Regulation is 2 weeks. The Directorate General of KPAI handles it. That is also parallel to the bonded areas. Well, that has been regulated by the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, yes, the context is the same, the volume," said Taufiek to the media quoted on Thursday 12 October.
Through this Minister of Industry Regulation, the Ministry of Industry will change the import control regulations from Post Border to Border so as to protect the domestic market from invasion of imported goods.
"Previously, it was a post border and there was no barrier instrument, the volume was free, that means. Well, if it is freed like this, then local industry, IKM will definitely lose to competitors. Well, that's not fair in the context of building competitiveness and also protecting the community or protecting the industry," Taufiek continued.
Taufiek also dismissed the response to implementing this Ministerial Regulation as being the same as banning imports. He explained that the existence of this Minister of Industry Regulation would actually control the amount of goods entering and protect the domestic market so that traders such as those at Tanah Abang Market could be profitable again.
Moreover, previously there were indications that imported goods with 100 HS codes were disrupting domestic industry, leading to layoffs.
"Yesterday we had a discussion, there were 100 HS that were identified in a disturbing context. We, the information is disturbing. If it is disturbing, that means we look at the IKI indicator. The IKI continues to be below 50," concluded Taufiek.
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