JAKARTA - TikTok Indonesia announced that it will stop buying and selling transactions on the TikTok Shop service starting today, Wednesday, October 4 at 17.00 p.m. Western Indonesian Time (WIB).

This step is in response to new regulations issued by the Indonesian government.

As is known, the government has just issued new regulations regarding trading via electronic systems (PMSE).

One of the provisions in it is to prohibit social media from carrying out buying and selling transactions.

This rule is contained in Minister of Trade Regulation Number 31 of 2023.

TikTok Indonesia management said that their main priority is to respect and comply with the regulations and laws that apply in Indonesia.

"As such, we will no longer facilitate e-commerce transactions within TikTok Shop Indonesia, effective October 4, at 17.00 a.m. WIB," wrote management in an official statement, quoted Wednesday, October 4.

"We will continue to coordinate with the Indonesian government regarding our future steps and plans," he added.

As previously reported, the Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan emphasized that he would impose sanctions in the form of revoking social media (medsos) business permits that still serve buying and selling transactions.

Revocation of this permit is the highest sanction.

These sanctions are regulated in the Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag) Number 31 of 2023 concerning Business Licensing, Advertising, Development, and Supervision of Business Actors in Trading Through Electronic Systems. This regulation just came into effect a few days ago.

Zulhas, nicknamed Zulkifli Hasan, said that violating social media would be warned first. Then, these social media will later be included in the government's monitoring priority list.

Furthermore, continued Zulhas, these social media will also be blacklisted. As well as, temporary blocking of services by related agencies.

"Third, if not, the permit will be revoked so that strict action will be taken, so that a positive ecosystem can occur in this field," he said in a press conference, written on Thursday, September 28.

Quoting article 21 in Minister of Trade Regulation Number 31 of 2023, it regulates the obligation for social-commerce social media models to be prohibited from carrying out buying and selling transactions. This regulation also prohibits social-commerce and e-commerce from becoming producers.

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