JAKARTA - Opportunities for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to penetrate the export market are increasingly open. This was marked by the launch of the Shopee Export MSME Movement Simultaneously in 10 Cities, Wednesday 26 July. This program was initiated to encourage the strengthening of MSMEs towards the export market amid fears of the invasion of imported goods.
Export MSME training is simultaneously carried out at 10 Shopee MSME Campuses spread across 10 cities, namely Bandung, Semarang, Solo, Yogyakarta, Malang, Medan, Malang, Samarinda, Makassar and Denpasar. Director & Country Head Sea Indonesia Kiky Hapsari said this program was a strengthening commitment to developing local MSMEs.
"Since Shopee's export program was launched, 20 million MSME products have been sold and available in Southeast Asia, East Asia to Latin America markets," he said.
Furthermore, Kiky revealed that the trend of MSMEs included in the export program has continued to increase in the last 2 years with the number of MSME products that are consistently exported reaching millions of products every month. If we look at the trend, we are optimistic that the target of 500 thousand export MSMEs in 2030 can be achieved," he added.
On this occasion, Kiky also invited other parties to be able to take advantage of facilities at the Shopee MSME Campus. This is intended to reach more MSMEs to be able to join the export program.
The purpose of this activity is to open a collaboration space with parties who have a strengthening program for MSMEs that can also take advantage of Shopee's facilities in 10 cities. We are aware that the development of MSME capabilities can be realized with the synergy between various parties to achieve the same goal, namely strengthening MSMEs so that they can penetrate the global market.," he said.
Head of the Surakarta City Cooperatives and SMEs Office, Wahyu Kristina, admitted that efforts to encourage MSMEs to progress cannot be carried out by the government.
"Solo is the first to go to export through the Shopee Campus and has been able to realize 10,000 local MSMEs that are exported through the training provided," he explained, who was also present online.
Samsibar, SE, MM Head of the UPT Integrated Business Service Center of the Prov. South Sulawesi Cooperatives and SMEs Office said this program was in line with the national program.
"We really support this program because it is in line with national programs, namely facilitating local MSMEs to enter the global supply chain. What we can cooperate with is that we can share MSME data, mapping the condition of MSMEs, including assisting MSMEs to go global and go digital," he said.
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