JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Housing has completed the construction of Phase 2A Permanent Residential (Huntap) as many as 73 housing units in Wani Village, Tanantofea District, Donggala Regency.

The Director General of Housing at the Ministry of PUPR, Iwan Suprijanto, said that the construction of the Phase 2A Huntap is very important for people affected by disasters in Central Sulawesi.

The Ministry of PUPR through the Directorate General of Housing is also responsible for providing housing so that people can immediately occupy decent housing and have a safe and quality building construction.

"The acceleration of the construction of Huntap is not only a project, but also part of a humanitarian operation so that people affected can immediately move and occupy decent housing," said Iwan in a written statement, Wednesday, July 13.

Based on data from the Sulawesi Housing Provision II Center, the Directorate General of Housing, overall Huntap Phase 2A, 712 units were built spread across 15 locations, namely in Wani Village, Donggala Regency (73 units), Tompe 1 (44 units), Tompe 2 (83 units), Tompe 3 (161 units), Lende (68 units), Lompio (16 units).

Furthermore, in Tanjung Padang Village (13 units), Lende Ntovea 1 (10 units), Lende Ntovea 2 (44 units), Change (17 units), Loli Dondo (16 units), Loli Channel (18 units), Loli Tasiburi III (17 units), and independent locations in Palu City (104 units) and Talise Panau as many as 26 units.

The Huntap construction is carried out using earthquake-resistant housing technology for Simple Healthy Instant Homes (RISHA) and will later be equipped with supporting facilities and infrastructure, so that it can become a comfortable residence for the community.

Huntap is built type 36 plus with a land area of 10x15 meters for each unit equipped with living rooms, 2 bedrooms, kitchens, and bathrooms.

A source of funding for the construction of Huntap from the Central Sulawesi Rehabilition and Reconstruction Project (CSRRC) with the implementing contractor PT Wijaya Karya Beton-PT Murni Konstruksi Indonesia (KSO).

Meanwhile, Head of the Central Sulawesi Province Housing Provision Work Unit, Erpika Ansela Surira, said that the construction of the Huntap building was almost completely complete.

"Currently, we continue to coordinate with the local government, so that the assets can be immediately handed over to be inhabited by the community," he said.

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