JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) is preparing superior human resources (HR) to support the implementation of blue economy policies, as well as to become agents for the development of advanced fishing villages in Indonesia.

The superior resources in question include students in educational units under the auspices of the KKP, as well as the community who have received training and assistance from the KKP through the work unit of the Agency for Research and Human Resources (BRSDM).

"They will later become agents of development who will return to the village they came from, build their village so that it becomes a village that has great economic potential, an advanced fishing village," said KKP Minister Sakti Wahyu Trenggono in his written statement, quoted Thursday, March 16.

Advanced fishing village (Kalaju) is a work program by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries to support the transformation of fishing villages in Indonesia to become cleaner and more organized.

Also through this program, Minister Trenggono hopes that fishing villages will advance in the future to become economic centers in both the fisheries and coastal tourism sectors.

"We want to do modeling first, and this year there are 10 points that we built to be replicated in the coming period. Hopefully this year it will work," he said.

"In the next 10-15 years, there will be thousands of healthy and clean fishing villages," added Trenggono.

Meanwhile, Head of BRSDM I Nyoman Radiarta added, KKP currently has around 8,531 students spread across 18 educational units which are in the process of becoming the Ocean Institute of Indonesia.

Meanwhile, this year's training activities target 31,490 people who are expected to support the implementation of blue economy policies and advanced fishing villages.

"There are 4,431 fishery extension officers who have been at the forefront of overseeing activities in the area and are spread across 37 provinces," he added.

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