JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) together with the Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO), namely PT Bursa Efek Indonesia, PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia, and PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia provide capital market literacy to Banjarmasin students.

At the age of the capital market which is still quite young, the capital market is now appearing as one of the prima donnas for safe and reliable investment. In the midst of the current turmoil and dynamics of the global economy, the Indonesian capital market can show good stability, resilience, and growth, even the best compared to the capital market in ASEAN," said the Chief Executive of the Capital Market Supervisory, Inarno Djajadi in an official statement, Saturday, December 10.

In his presentation, Inarno said that the optmism for Indonesia's capital market growth was still continuing even though it was in the midst of various pressures due to global dynamics.

Until December 2, 2022, the JCI reached 7,019.64 points, an increase of 6.66 percent year to date.

The number of investors has also penetrated 10.16 million. The growth in the number of retail investors is also still dominated by investors under the age of 58.84 percent.

With the rapid growth of the number of retail investors, he continued, this could have a positive impact on the Capital Market in Indonesia because in addition to being able to provide stability and liquidity in the capital market, on the other hand it can also be a shock absorber that reduces the turmoil and fluctuations in stock prices when foreign investors choose to withdraw funds abroad from the Indonesian Capital Market.

"Therefore, OJK hopes that all parties can work together and collaborate to maintain the momentum of Indonesia's economic growth today," said Inarno.

He also advised students to continue to improve their skills due to the impact of globalization and disruption of the industrial revolution 4.0 to encourage tighter competition in the future.

Inarno also advised students to start preparing themselves to face global competition, especially the younger generation who are expected to be the nation's successors in order to welcome Indonesia gold in 2045.

On another occasion, Deputy Commissioner for Capital Market Supervision I, Djustini Septiana also delivered a speech at a public lecture attended by 400 students at Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin.

In order to increase investor protection, in addition to continuing to educate the public, OJK will also implement various policies such as encouraging the development of Special Notation and special monitoring boards at the IDX, implementing Disgrorgement and Disgrgement Funds, and optimizing the Investment Protection Fund, and continuing to carry out acts of supervisory action and law enforcement for violations of regulations in the Capital Market sector.

In the future, the OJK will also prepare regulations aimed at providing investor protection including the application of the classification of Investment Manager through regulatory improvements related to licensing of Investment Managers and the preparation of regulations related to the ranking and rating of Mutual Funds as well as changes to the regulation of the Investment Protection Fund to include mutual fund effects and undergraduate services (SCF).

In addition to public lecture activities, in the context of SEMT in Banjarmasin, OJK and SRO also held various activities such as CSR, Media Gathering, Local Media Talkshows, as well as socialization to local communities such as the Indonesian Women Entrepreneurs Association, Indonesian Banking Women Association, Bhayangkari, and South Java. South Kalimantan Province.

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