JAKARTA - Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, gave her views related to the attitude of strategic investors who stated that they had withdrawn from the construction of the National Capital City (IKN) Nusantara. According to him, this is not too surprising for a cooperation scheme in a very large project.

The Minister of Finance explained that IKN is a long-term job that can bring new opportunities in the future. The fact is, continued the Minister of Finance, currently, it is still in the early stages of cultivation.

“The general plan of the construction itself is being drawn up. Okay, the law is one thing, but how it will be formed later has already begun to be discussed. Remember, this is a huge area that reaches over 200,000 hectares. I, as the Minister of Finance, will definitely calculate how the future burden will arise and the rules for funding the National Capital are also being finalized", she said in a discussion via the CNBC channel, Tuesday, March 22.

For this reason, the Minister of Finance considers that negative comments about investors who withdraw from IKN do not necessarily understand the concept of development comprehensively.

"So now there are many people who talk about IKN, it's just analysis. There (we) in government regulations and the Presidential Regulation are preparing to fund, there are funds from the State Budget, there are funds from the private sector, SOE, and other source funds", she said.

Furthermore, the state treasurer firmly stated that Softbank's decision to withdraw support is something that must be respected. The reason is, so far there has been no strong commitment that is binding in the IKN development participation plan.

“Yesterday many people said Softbank was canceled. If they say this (within the scope of) an expression of interest everyone can say the same thing. It's like our President who met many world leaders, they said they were ready to support Indonesia's plan", explained the Minister of Finance.

In the previous editorial report, it was stated that the reason for Softbank's resignation was because of the return on investment (RoI) issue. This was stated by the Representative Director & Chairman of Softbank, Ken Miyauchi.

"Return on Investment is the main reason for us to withdraw from the project in question, in terms of time and the size of the return on the investment itself", he said.

The government itself said that the initial stage of construction is estimated to cost around IDR 466 trillion, 20 percent of which is taken from State Budget funds.

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