The Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) temporarily closed access to visits for tourists and motorized vehicles in Kaldera Tengger, in the Mount Bromo tourist area during the Wulan Kapitu.

Head of TNBTS Center Rudijanta Tjahja Nugraha said the closure of access to the area will be implemented on January 27, 2025 at 15.00 WIB until January 28, 2025 at 23.59 WIB.

"The closure of access to tourist visits and motorized vehicles in Kaldera Tengger, unless there are emergency conditions," said Rudi as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, January 3.

This closure, he said, was an effort to respect the customs and culture held by the Tengger community.

"The closure is carried out in honor of the customs and culture of the Tengger Community who carry out fasting rituals for a full month," he said.

The area will be reopened, on January 29, 2025 at 01.00 WIB.

The schedule for closing access for tourists and motorized vehicles is contained in the Announcement Letter Number: PG.1/T.8/TU/KSA.5.1/B/01/2025 concerning Restrictions on Visits to Nature Tourism and Community Activities at Wulan Kapitu 2025.

In addition, Rudi stated that tourist visits in the Ranu Regulo area are still open, through access to entrances from Malang Regency and Lumajang Regency with vehicle limits to the Jemplang area.

Access restrictions also apply from the direction of Pasuruan Regency, where later vehicles belonging to tourists can only enter until Wonokitri.

"The one from the direction of Probolinggo Regency reaches the entrance to Cemorolawang," he said.

Balai Besar Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru berharap wisatawan bisa mematuhi kebijakan yang telah diambil ini, sebagai bentuk menghormati adat dan kebudayaan dari masyarakat Tengger.

"The public, visitors, tourism service actors, and related parties should pay attention and be carried out with full responsibility," he said.

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