JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Sea Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation has re-issued a Sailing Approval Letter (SPB) for 18 ships that have received information from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) to export coal.

The revocation of the ban on the issuance of SPB is in accordance with the Letter of the Director-General of Sea Transportation Number UM.006/1/7/DA-2022 dated January 14, 2022, regarding the Revocation of the Prohibition of Issuing Sailing Approval Letters (SPB) based on the results of the Coordinating Meeting between the Ministers on Coal Supply PLN and a letter from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

As is known, previously the government through the Director-General of Mineral and Coal at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources lifted the ban on coal exports through letter number B-165/MB.05/DJB.B/2022 dated January 13, 2022, regarding the lifting of the ban on the sale of coal overseas.

"We have informed all harbormasters to re-issue SPB to coal ships that have met the requirements from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources," said Director of Traffic and Sea Transportation Capt. Mugen S. Sartoto, in a written statement, quoted Saturday, January 15.

Capt. Mugen explained that the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has lifted the sanctions prohibiting the sale of coal abroad, especially for 18 vessels loaded with coal from PKP2B holders (Coal Mining Concession Work Agreement) and Production Operation IUP (Mining Business Permits) which have fulfilled the Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) year 2021 by 100 percent or more.

"Following this, the Directorate General of Sea Transportation will re-issue the SPB for the 18 coal carriers," he said.

The 18 ships include the MV. CMB Van Dijk, MV. Neng Yuan, MV. Santarli, MV. Maizuru Kichijo, MV. Great Ocean, MV. AIR CONDITIONING. Shanghai, M.V. Vidyut, MV. Pantelis, MV. Jie Li, TB. Kingfisher 501, MV. Mei Hua Hai, MV. Corona Kingdom, MV. Pacific Pride, MV. Pavo Bright, MV. Princess Doris, MV. Eternal Resort, MV. Sea Voyager, and MV. Star Mona.

For your information, the government has reopened the faucet for coal exports. Previously, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources issued a ban on coal exports for a month, from January 1 to 31, 2022.

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