YOGYAKARTA - The price of cayenne pepper in Yogyakarta, starting from the rainy season in mid-November to mid-December, has continued to climb and has now reached Rp75,000 per kilogram.

“Since the first heavy rain in Yogyakarta, around mid-November until now, chili prices have continued to rise. At first, it only increased slightly, but over time it has reached Rp75.00 per kilogram (kg)," said Chairman of the Ayem Tentrem Association of East Beringharjo Market, Ida Chabibah in Yogyakarta, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 13.

According to him, when compared to the cheapest price for cayenne pepper, the current price has increased by three times.

"When it's cheap, the price of cayenne pepper is around Rp25,000 per kilogram. But then it rose slowly to Rp40,000 per kg, rose again to Rp50,000 per kg and immediately rose to Rp75,000 per kg,” he said.

Despite the increase, he ensured that the supply for these commodities remained smooth and even the commodities that came were always in good condition.

“Usually the rainy season will affect the quality of chilies to rot quickly. But now the commodities come in good and fresh condition,” he said.

Consumer demand for these commodities also did not experience a decline, in fact, tended to rise. “Maybe chili has become a staple because food usually has to be spicy. So even if the price goes up, it's still bought," he said.

In addition to chili, Ida said, most vegetables also experienced an increase in prices due to the rainy season, such as broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, cauliflower, long beans, and green beans.

"Almost 75 percent of vegetables have become more expensive, except for cabbage not going up," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Yogyakarta City Trade Office Yunianto Dwi Sutono said the prices of chili and vegetables are usually influenced by the season.

“I think the increase in vegetable and chili prices will remain under control because it is currently the rainy season. The stock is safe, so people don't have to worry," he said.

Based on the monitoring of the Yogyakarta City Trade Office, the average price of cayenne pepper in traditional markets is Rp60,000 per kg, the highest price recorded at Prawirotaman Market reaching Rp75,000 per kg.

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